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How market engagement is shaping project procurement

May 11, 2022 2:07 pm

Led by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, the proposed Roberts Bank Terminal 2 is an important infrastructure project that will require a contractor to build the new landmass and marine structures, as well as a terminal operator to build, equip, and operate the terminal.  

We have been working hard to incorporate the market’s feedback throughout the planning and design of the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project to ensure that, together, we can deliver critically-required supply chain support to accommodate Canada’s rapidly growing trade needs, should the project proceed.  

Over the past two years, we have completed multiple rounds of market engagement to test various delivery models, commercial terms, risk allocations, and potential environmental obligations, which will support the development of the project’s procurement process and documents.  

During the first market engagement session held in late 2019 and early 2020, we requested market feedback on potential procurement options. After considering this input and assessing the project’s procurement objectives, we decided to move forward with a two-phased procurement approach: we will select a contractor through a design-build or design-build-finance procurement to build the new landmass and marine structures, then an operator will be selected to build, equip, and operate the new terminal through a terminal concession procurement. 

After deciding on a high level procurement approach, the port authority conducted subsequent market engagement to test specific delivery models, commercial and technical terms, and risk allocations. We engaged with caisson manufacturers, dredgers, and general contractors to get feedback on their preferred approach to caisson fabrication and/or sand supply. We also engaged with port terminal operators, railways, and shippers to collect input on different delivery models for the causeway rail operations and their preference regarding allocation of responsibilities, e.g., cost, operations, maintenance.   

The most recent market engagement tested potential construction-related environmental conditions or measures with general contractors and dredgers. 

We thank participants for their contributions and attendance at these sessions. Feedback received during market engagement will help to shape the Roberts Bank Terminal 2 Project procurement approach and documents. We anticipate conducting further market sounding to refine the procurement process and collect input for various aspects of the project.  

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